Friday, March 07, 2008

Snow - In Texas

Everyone's talking about it. First it was going to be a major winter blast, then not so big, then we woke to blowing snow. The ground was already slushy so we're in the thick of mud, mud, and more mud around here. The last two years, I've lived in a mostly concrete environment so all this red goop is getting a bit old. Nevertheless, we were out in the muck this morning. These Texans never pass up the chance to trape around in snow - even if it's more muddy slush than the pristine dry stuff we experienced in Montana. There's such beauty in the white stuff - some sort of hush - some sense of peace. ~ The big kids are playing Monopoly and Laura is waiting (not so patiently) for me to play Sorry with her.

The pics below are of our plum trees with frozen blossoms. I still have hope that some will make it, but we won't have the bumper crop I'd hoped for. Plum jelly is a favorite around here.

I'll close with a quote from Laura. As she excitedly frolicked in the muddy snow - trying to catch snowflakes with her tongue, with bated breath she sadly exclaimed....

"Oh Mom, all our Daffofils don't deserve this!!"

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