"Strong Oaks are not grown in a greenhouse."
Seriously reflective and accidentally funny. Quirky, artistic, culinary snob. Helpmeet to a witty Farmer who keeps her securely grounded when her inspiration splashes out like a boundless waterfall.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
February Update
Seems kinda sad to post an update for the month, but I'm just not finding the time to blog these days. I knew being home would present a different lifestyle than the characteristics of traveling. Both are very good in many ways, but very different. ~ We've been home since December 24th. For those of you who follow us closely, you and I both know what a blessing it has been to be home for this long. Usually by the second week in January, we're getting settled into new surroundings with yet another Wal-Mart to remodel. ~ It seems that times are changing, as they always do. This Thursday, Phillip will have an interview-type meeting with the powers that be to discuss the possibility of him promoting to a project manager position over Wal-Mart. (not to be confused with his current position which is superintendent overseeing WM remodels on a daily basis) If promoted, Phillip will be able to work from home many days and only travel for 2-3 days at a time. Our family will be home on a regular basis except for the fact that the "traveling bug" has already bit and we're ready to go somewhere even as I type. I imagine if Phillip has to be somewhere exciting, the whole family will tag along. ~ And then there will be times when, after accumulating frequent flyer miles, I'll go with him by myself, though I hate to fly. If you think about it, remember to lift him up in prayer this week as he prepares his heart and mind for the meeting Thursday.
Okay...what else? - We're in the midst of planting a gigantic garden. I shouldn't say "we" because it's actually our friend from church who sharecrops with us. It's mostly his garden as we haven't been here in two years. This year he bought a small garden tractor and has already put in 700 onion sets. Yesterday, Douglas and I planted potatoes and prepared a bed for asparagus. If any of you in the south grow asparagus, leave a comment on your experience with it. I'm excited about it, but have heard/read that it doesn't grow well in the south. I know we've got to wait two years before we really harvest any of it so I thought I might as well get started. ~ Our wild plums are blooming and they're just SO beautiful! I'm reading up on how to prune my one lonely peach tree, though it may be too late now. I'm hoping to add a few more eventually. ~ A few years ago, we planted a pecan tree and last year got our first pecan! I took of picture of it (of course - you know me...).
It's time to close for now. My indians are getting restless. I know I should really wait 'til midnight to do this sorta thing, but you know (?) I'm tired then! And getting up early to blog distracts from my prayer/bible time. So...now you know. I'm closing with a sweet picture of my Gifts. We took a walk one afternoon a few weeks ago and they actually obliged their ole Mom. Aren't they cute?
Grace & Peace to you ~ Angela
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