Monday, July 19, 2010

Travel the World with the TOS Planner

My first assignment as TOS Review Crew member was to review the June module of the TOS Planner. It's specifically titled Travel the World. First and foremost, I was pleasantly surprised. Not having ever seen any of the TOS Planner material, I really had no idea what I was getting. The first aspect that caught my attention was that the table of contents was so well organized. I immediately thought, "these gals have done their homework". I was instantly intrigued.

The TOS Planner Modules are supplemental units specifically geared for older students; roughly 7th grade and up, but easily adaptable for families with younger and/or multiple ages/grades with a little creativity. The price for the entire year, which includes 12 monthly modules, activities, games, puzzles, quizzes, recipes, maps, handwriting practice, additional resource links, and answer keys, is $83.95. The June module was just $7.95; what a deal! It's WELL worth the price, in my opinion, especially if the modules are used for multiple ages/grades.

As a veteran homeschooling Mom of roughly 14 years, I greatly appreciate the fact that there is absolutely no 'fluff' in this module. Every concept, section, activity, link, and additional resource has value. There are maps, word searches, poems, songs, hands-on activities, handwriting practice for younger students and even ideas and reference materials for high school students are included. With answer keys and a pretty hefty list of additional resources, TOS has WOWed me.

I will definitely consider the TOS Planner when working through our lesson plans in the future.

For more information on the TOS Planner E-Book, visit The Old Schoolhouse Store where you'll find a plethora of homeschool curriculum, reviews, supplemental material, and encouragement for the journey.

*I received the June 2009-2010 TOS Planner Module free of charge in order to provide an unbiased review.

Thursday, July 01, 2010

Nibbles the Duck

This is Nibbles,
one of the farm ducks.
Whenever he quacks,
Mom goes nuts.

- Laura Greenwell