Friday, September 24, 2010

Vocabulary Cartoons by New Monic Books

Before we even got up the driveway, the package was opened and my son was diving into this book. He could tell from the cover it was his kind of book. We have had so much fun flipping through Vocabulary Cartoons, learning new words, and laughing at the cartoons. New Monic Books is on to something with this type of learning, especially for pre-teen aged boys.

The idea with Vocabulary Cartoons is that students will learn SAT words with a memory technique called mnemonics, which is basically learning a new concept, in this case SAT words, by linking it to a familiar name, place, or event already embedded in your memory bank.

vocabulary cartoons Pictures, Images and Photos

I highly recommend this valuable tool for 7th grade students and up. In my opinion, it's best to be used as a fun game or conversational piece rather than a formal curriculum. With over 300 pages of fun, leave it on the coffee table you'll see your students scanning the pages for a funny cartoon they haven't yet read. We'll be using this book for a very long time. Thank you, New Monic Books!  
Vocabulary Cartoons lists for $12.95 on their website.

*We received Vocabulary Cartoons free of charge in exchange for an honest & fair review of this product.

TOS HS Crew Animated banner Pictures, Images and Photos