Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Not my way...

"God has to destoy our determined confidence in our own convictions. "

(My Utmost for His Highest; January 29th, pg. 29)


Ouch. God has to destroy my determined confidence. Me? Determined? God has to destroy the confidence I have in my own convictions. ~groan~... Oh, there's so many things I want my way. How 'bout you? I think "if I could just change this or that" I'd be happier, more content. Things would be just right. Hmm...Sometimes it's sorta comical the games we play with the Almighty. I picture this little girl pressing the heel of a giant, wholeheartedly confident He can be moved. How easily I forget that the joy is in the journey. Many times, I'd rather fast-forward through the tough stuff and get to the Prize. ~groan~ But I know the Prize isn't as sweet unless we endure the journey with all its seemingly tumultuous terrain. I trust, someday we'll look back in awe at how the Lord's hand carried us all the way.

O Father, just for today, may we accept our portion with joy.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

The Birthday Boy

Eleven years ago today, the Lord blessed us with a baby b-o-y just 13 months after our precious firstborn. I fretted over having enough love for both as we were so enamored with Sarah that we felt sure the second would be neglected. (I truly mourned over it during my pregnancy) But then, he was born and our house was filled with tears of joy and love overflowing.

We're celebrating this morning with our traditional Birthday Breakfast. He has requested pancakes. His choice for lunch is tortilla pizzas (super simple!), and for dinner we'll have his all-time fave - grilled hamburgers with homemade french fries. Y-u-m! Friday afternoon, several of his best buddies will be over for the first-time-ever-on-HIS-turf Airsoft war. Needless to say, he's beside himself with excitement. He got a n-i-c-e Airsoft gun from his Aunt & Uncle for Christmas and another with some Christmas money, so he's armed and dangerous. LOL...

He lightens the world with his infectious smile.

Thanks for making me laugh, sweet boy.

I love you ~ Mom

Monday, January 21, 2008

Precious Moments

This morning, as the peacefulness of quiet time with the Lord escalated into a low rumbling hum, we were discussing a beautiful butterfly painting Laura lovingly painted for Phillip last night. She commented on the fact that she didn't paint those "things that stick out from their head". I explained to her how important they were and God created them for a specific reason. To my surprise, Douglas said "Oh really, I didn't know that, I thought God put them there to be cool"...(which at this point I'm thinking he's really just trying to be funny) So I replied, "No...God's not in the cool business", and Laura chimed in and said,


O how we all need to be in the Love Business.....

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


As I stand before the Lord - broken - humiliated over the sin I've cultivated over recent months I'm truly in awe that He should be so patient with me. Very gently, He has nudged the hidden crevices of my heart that needed a bit of an overhaul. It's certainly been a painful process, but very much needed.

You see, I've been distracted. It's nobody's fault but my own, but nevertheless I've gotten my priorities out of line. Over several months, I've slowly become watered down - off track - distracted, and in dire need of accountability. My quiet time with the Lord has dwendled and instead of beginning the day in the Word I've turned to the computer in hopes to get a bit of daily Food from sources that, in all honesty, are second to God's Best. Ever so subtly, over a period of time, email, blogging and online friends have replaced my act of daily worship with, and for, my First Love.

And as with all sin, there is a rippling effect.
My children have noticed.

O Friends, when your little ones comment to others about your computer time, and their little faces are all shriveled with discontent, it's time to take notice. When they stand at the doorway - workbook and pencil in hand - waiting, you might have things out of order. When your oldest daughter is making breakfast because you "just have to check your email/blog", what kind of message are you sending? When your little ones ask, "Can you read to me....~sigh~ ..or do you wanna do your email?", O friends, there's a problem.

When's the last time you sat on the couch and read to them? When's the last time you made a picnic lunch (I know it's winter..) When's the last time you greeted them with hugs and kisses in the morning - your heart fully devoted to them? When's the last time you gathered pine cones, rocks, sticks, or gone for afternoon walks to explore flowers or trees?
Martha was very busy doing good things. Very good things. Likewise, we can be very busy doing good things - even godly, encouraging things. But, it may not be the best things.
Mary chose the Better Part. I choose my children.

Monday, January 14, 2008


Tremble, O earth, at the presence of the Lord...
Psalm 114:7
O Lord, I want to know you so deeply that I ...tremble.
O Father, I tremble at the thought of what my eyes cannot see. For if I understood this spectacular puzzle of my life I would most definitely fall prostrate ~ breathless ~ at your feet.
Give me faith to persevere knowing
- trusting wholeheartedly - with complete abandon -
that you have the details of my life held tightly in the palm of your hand.
O God, thank you for such a safe place to rest.